Just the ticket!

8 04 2011

Alright, I have a problem.

I have a major major problem.

So today I got out of work and had to swing by the post office to send a couple of things off, and since the NEX was en route, sure I stopped in. They have new bags out, naturally. I pass through the upstairs part of the NEX rather infrequently due to my problem and my lack of self-control.

So, there are new Coaches, new Marc Jacobs, new Dooneys, etc etc. They are just so perfectly lined up and presented that you can hardly help but stop and stare. Maybe pick up your favorites, those ones that particularly catch your eye, give you that little beat beaty beat in your chest, and try them on for size. Do they compliment you? Will they match your outfits, is it comfortable? Can you fit all your sit in it? I stand by the fact that when you know, you know. Kind of like how they talk about that “love at first sight” thing, when you see that perfect satchel, pick it up, try it on, walk around for a bit and bond with it, it’s surely the one, and you must have it.

Today I happened to try a few on, probably about five. You see, I’ve been keeping my eye out for just the right purse to match my brown shoes and some of my tan/brownish clothes. The blue purse that I did have was stained when we were on our travels. Some kind of grease mark the size of a quarter on the side of my purse. And, folks, THAT is why we don’t put our purses on the floor. So boyfriends, shut your lips! It goes on the car seat, or on the extra seat at the restaurant, or my lap. The end.

So I find just the one, it’s gold with gold hardware and detailing in lighter gold. It looks kind of silvery down below, but it’s gold, trust me. So I get to the check-out and she scans the little price ticket, and it scanned in @ $198.00 less than the written price on the purse. I was like…”ummm is the tag not scanning right”?? So she walked around to the Customer Service desk and went and asked about four of the other workers, and apparently it was marked wrong, but since it rung up at the price it did, I got it for the lower price!! Hot doggie, what a deal! A steal of a deal, really! Now I just need a matching wallet…

Here she is. ❤



One response

9 04 2011

ug. Now I want another one.

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