
17 03 2012

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day 2012 Everyone!!


Ok I’ve been up since five and I’m about to crash. No I will not be going out and pardy hardying. I did that last weekend. Check check!

Me and a friend went out this morning to do the San Diego 4 mi St. Patty’s Day run at Mission Bay Park. Though we were hoping for a lovely west coast spring day…..we did not receive. It was more like Ireland-style weather. I guess it worked out, and despite the 50 degree weather, over cast, face biting wind, and rain, we had a great time!

This was my first official run with a bib number and a finisher’s medal!!

I can’t end this post without an honorable mention for strangest getup. There was an over six foot tall man wearing offensively short green shorts, shamrock socks, and a pink bra……… AND there was a woman with gold booty shorts with a pot of gold stuck to her ass… any moment she would pop out a gold nugget. Pun intended. I was half tempted to run behind her with a bag just in case…

WTF Weds: Ed 025 Busy = 2012

7 03 2012




I know. I’ve been MIA for over a month.

I’ve been busy with work, school, and la gym.

Usually I don’t try and shove physical fitness down people’s throats….however this is that exception. I am pretty much nearly obsessed with this class that I started back in Jan.

No, I don’t eat as healthy as I should….but I do go to the gym frequently and I am seeing changes in muscles and tightness, strength, and endurance. It’s awesome and definitely motivating.

The Boot Camp class is awesome. You can go there straight from work and the trainers tell you exactly what to do – it’s mindless – which I love in the gym! I don’t want to come off of a day after making 300 decisions and then come up with a training plan. So this place is perfect. It’s the only gym class I’ve taken that I have enjoyed enough to do more than a couple of weeks. It’s been 8 now.

I think the most important part of getting motivated is:

#1 Workout clothes you feel comfortable and confident in. I get most of my stuff at Marshalls or TJ Maxx. They have designer stuff, like New Balance, Nike, Avia, etc for decent prices. Workout clothes are expensive, but finding shit that you feel good in and look good in is half the battle in my book.

#2 Get a schedule/routine going. Whether it’s M-W-F or whatever, get a system down. And get a buddy to go with you. That way you are held accountable..but in a fun way!

#3 Find a gym that works for you. Somewhere close to work or home.

#4 If you are going to do classes, try several out until you find exactly what you need for the right price. In my opinion, if you find one that you love, the price really doesn’t matter. But I know it’s smart to stick to a budget and all that, but for me, health is pretty important. There are so many classes out there and if you don’t like the first three you try, so what? You’ll find one that works for you and that you enjoy.

I’ve gotten into the swing of things and I’m loving it. I have so much more energy and my days fly by. And I can’t wait to see what we’re doing at Boot Camp every night!