Pumped up kicks

2 05 2012

So my April goal was to run 100 miles.

I didn’t quite make it.

….let’s be honest…I didn’t come near.

I completed 48.2 miles. So rounding down….I made 48 miles..which isn’t even half of 100.

I think I’ll set the bar a little more realistic for May and shoot for 60 miles. And I have a friend doing it with me so that’ll be more motivating. Like I’ve said getting to the gym and actually getting out to the park or street for a nice run is 99% of the battle. If only my couch wasn’t so GD comfortable! And if I wasn’t addicted to TV shows. Despite my cheapness for not wanting to pay for cable…I still download and watch probably 20 TV shows. And I like to keep up with them. SO sometimes it IS a battle to get out there. But if I have someone to keep me accountable I think it’ll be easier. Plus, she has a huz and three kids….so if she can make time I can make time.

So 60 miles it is! Roughly 2 miles a day. Who can’t do that? Just don’t skip too many days that’s what caught me on the ol 100 miles.

I’m checking out a new boot camp next week. It’s up in La Jolla I believe. We’ll see how it compares to Dream Body Boot Camp and Lululemon’s version – P.S. they host a free one every Sunday morning downtown!- I’m looking forward to something new, plus this guy is allegedly the #1 trainer in  San Diego.

And it’s got a pretty legit website: http://www.rw3fitness.com

I’ll let you peeps know how it is, and if it’s worth the monies. The one I currently go to is $197/mo!! If I wouldn’t have had a Groupon I couldn’t have afforded that. No idea how much the RW3 is, but I’ll soon find out!



One response

3 05 2012

On the bright side, you got in more miles than I did 🙂 WOW $197/month is crazy! That should help to have someone exercise with you. Good luck with your May goal!

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